Players Code of Conduct

Doncaster Toll Bar Players Code of Conduct

All players will be asked to sign an electronic copy at the start of every season or when they join (within the membership pack).

As a player you agree to:

Play because you want to, not to please your coaches or parents or others.

If anything is worrying you, or you are not enjoying playing, speak to your parents, the Coach or Club Welfare Officer.

Respect and listen to your coach and accept their decisions.

Try your best at all times in training and games.

Go to training if possible & let your coach know if you can’t.

Keep the changing rooms clean and respect your club environment and equipment made available to me during training and match day

Shake hands with the opposition after the game, even if you’ve lost and are upset.

Respect other players – No retaliation, don’t abuse them, check they’re ok if injured, and look after each other.

Support your team mates, especially if they make a mistake or are feeling down.

Respect the Match Officials – Respect all decisions, remember they are here to enjoy the game and may be children too.

Do not swear or use abusive language.

Never use any illegal or unhealthy substances

Play fair – Don’t fight or be a dirty player, try and keep your temper under control.

Do not make racist, homophobic or other comments that does not show respect to other players.

No bully and report any bullying you see.

Welcome and encourage new players.

Not use social media to make negative comments, criticise or abuse any player, team, volunteer, club or the game of Rugby League.

In the community game, recognise that many coaches and Match Officials are volunteers who give up their time to provide their services and without them we do not have a game

I understand that if I do not follow the code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my Club, League or the RFL:

  • I may be sin-binned or sent off by the Match Official
  • I may be disciplined by my Club including being asked to leave
  • I may receive a large suspension from the League Disciplinary Committee in line with the On-Field Sentencing Guidelines
  • I may receive further sanctions from the RFL including being given a Permanent Suspension Order from the sport
  • I am responsible for paying any fines imposed on me and these are to be paid by the individual not the team or club (failure to do so will result in further action)